Citrine, the birthstone for November is known as the “healing quartz”. The citrine quartz was actually once considered part of the topaz family and can be seen being referred to as the gold topaz, Madeira or Spanish topaz. This golden gemstone is said to support vitality and health while encouraging and guiding hope, energy and warmth within the wearer. Citrine can be found in a variety of shades ranging from pastel yellow to dark brownish orange. It is one of the most affordable of gemstones and plentiful in nature, citrine is found most frequently in Brazil, Bolivia, and Spain. The citrine has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and is thus, to a large extent, insensitive to scratches. The yellow stones have just that mellow, warm tone that seems to have captured the last glow of a hot summer’s day, a perfect gem for this time of year.


With all the buzz surrounding Derby Day and Melbourne Cup, it seems the third event to complete the trifecta has already come and gone. Yesterday Ladies Day was in full swing when women from all around gathered to enjoy a day of champagne and races. Among the many faces were a tone of celebrities surrounded by a sea of colourful frocks and hats to match. The saying that “women dress for women” was certainly solidified yesterday with what we believe were the best looks of the 2012 spring races festivities. Below are just a few of the looks to help recap the day.


Samara Weaving is a new up and comer in both the fashion and acting world. With all of the buzz surrounding this young talent it’s no surprise she’s our new one to watch. Samara is currently cast as Indigo Walker on one of Australia’s most successful soap operas Home & Away as well as currently linked to famous musician and actor Axle Whitehead.With recently landing a contract as the face of Bonds and her appearances on the red carpet, we’re sure to be seeing a lot more of this gorgeous Aussie girl. Our latest interest is her very cute oriental style dress that she wore yesterday to Derby Day, we think her style is so stylish and age appropriate. We look forward to seeing what other looks she has install for us in the near future .

The races season is always an exciting time, with the weather warming up and the champagne coming out it’s something we look forward to every year. In the lead up to tomorrow’s Melbourne Cup race our hot tip is on Dunaden who also won 2011’s Melbourne Cup, so make sure to get your bets in!!