Betsey Cushing Whitney

11, 830, 000

Society was at the forefront of  Betsey Cushing Whitney’s life and the sale of her jewels at a Sotheby’s New York October 19, 1998, auction brought out New York’s elite.

Whitney was one of the most public figures of the wealthy set and was said to be worth 700 million.

At her death which occurred just six months before the sale. Before her marriage to John Jay “Jock” Whitney, she had been married to James Roosevelt, a son of Franklin D.Roosevelt, while FDR was governor of New York State.

The highlight of the evening sale was a pair of earrings, shown here, one set with a fancy vivid blue diamond, the other with a white diamond, a landmark fashion statement of the day. The pair was sold to Graff for $5,172,500.00 who promptly renamed them “The Whitney Blue and White”.

The auction proceeds were donated to the charities Whitney supported during her lifetime, particularly, art museums and medical institutions.



Barbara Cushing and Betsey Cushing Roosevelt, bonded in spirit and style.


The Cushing sisters in 1937, from left: Babe, Betsey, and Minnie. From debutante days they were known for their beauty and charm, and later renowned for marrying into some of the country’s most prominent families.


John and Betsey Whitney Posing Together